Frontend Developer Roadmap 2022

Nth direction
5 min readOct 15, 2022

Want to become a Frontend Web Developer in 2022? Being a fresher and not knowing what career to choose is something we all go through. Google is a fantastic place to find resources about anything, but the problem is, what and where do I need to learn? Finding the best course becomes difficult with all the free/paid resources available.

This blog guides aspiring students who wish to start their journey as Frontend developers or want to change their career. This blog will help you with the languages, tools, and all other resources required for Frontend development.

Photo by Airfocus on Unsplash

You don’t need to spend much money to become a Frontend developer. Whatever you need to learn: HTML, CSS, JS, NodeJs, APIs, or any other latest fancy technologies, you can do it for free with the power of the internet. All the playlists/links mentioned in the blog are free.

But first, let’s get some basics clear:

Role of a Frontend Developer?

A frontend developer creates websites and applications using languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, allowing users to access and interact with the site or app. When you visit a website, the design elements you see (Blocks, Buttons, Cards, Carousel etc) were created by a frontend developer.

What does a frontend developer do?

Frontend developers create the user interface (UI) that determines what each part of a site or application does and how it will look.

Photo by Jackson Sophat on Unsplash

Someone who wants to build a website might hire a frontend developer to create the site’s layout. Frontend developer determines where to place images, what the navigation should look like, and how to present the site. Much of their work involves ensuring the appearance and layout of the website are easy to navigate and easy to understand for their end user.

Here’s a complete Frontend developer Roadmap 2022, with all FREE resources, to kickstart your career.

We will start from the internet basics, learning what OS is, some basic terminal commands, and then move towards building web pages, styling it with CSS and in the end adding some interactivity with JavaScript.

1. Basic Internet, Operating System, and Frontend Knowledge

Every developer should have basic knowledge about the internet (like how it works, what is HTTP/HTTPS, functioning of a browser, how DNS works, and what’s domain name and hosting).

Additional advantage is to have basic understanding of Operating systems, memory management, command line terminal, and networking concepts.

Here are some great reference links for the introductory videos to quickly help us understand all this.

OS Basics:
Internet Basics:
Networking Basics:
Terminal Commands:


2. Where to write the code?

You will need a code editor to write the code. Visual Studio Code is good option to cater all your needs. If you know a little bit about HTML, you might already know that you can write HTML on notepad too. Then why use an IDE?

  • Integrated help is a favorite.
  • The built-in Refactor with Preview of the Visual Studio
  • IntelliSense, syntax highlighting, ease of navigation for large projects, integrated debugging, etc.

Setup Videos for beginners:

3. Learn how websites work, and learn HTML and CSS

Got some basics clear, like how websites work ? Now start your journey with HTML… It all started with HTML, and then someone thought of making things “cool” and created CSS.

Photo by Ferenc Almasi on Unsplash

Courses in English:
* CSS:

Playlist in Hindi:
* CSS:

4. Make the site interactive with Javascript

If we have to compare HTML, CSS, and JS, then:
If HTML is the skeleton of our body, then Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is the skin, and JavaScript takes the place of muscles, providing motion and behavior to our limbs.

If you need a static website, then HTML and CSS can do the work for you, but if you want to make your site interactive, like using pop-ups or forms, this part will be handled by JS.


Playlist Start:
Playlist End:

5. Learn Version Control (Optional for beginners)

When you collaborate with your teammates, how can you ensure that everyone has the latest code, or if you made disastrous changes, how can you restore to the older version?

The answer is GIT:
A free and open-source distributed version control system, designed to handle everything from small to massive projects quickly and efficiently.

GIT crash course

Photo by Roman Synkevych on Unsplash

6. Learn Frontend Framework: React

React is an excellent open-source framework that makes it painless to create interactive UIs. Facebook released it in 2013, becoming highly popular because of its simplicity and flexibility.
React is powering more than 100k websites as of 2021.

Complete Playlists:

7. Learn some Backend: NodeJS

Even if you aim to become a frontend developer, you shouldn’t restrict yourself to learning only about Frontend frameworks/libraries. Better to have basic knowledge about the backend as well. You can learn NodeJS for the same.

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, backend JavaScript runtime environment that runs on a JavaScript Engine and executes JavaScript code outside a web browser, designed to build scalable network applications.

Source: Upwork

Complete Playlists:

It is not the end. It is just the start of your journey. It’s time to create some projects because a self-made project is worth tens of projects made by following a tutorial. Some projects that you can start now are:


If you are done with all these and want to learn more in-depth details about FE development, here is one Udemy course for you that will only cost 400 bucks. I recommend this course as it covers basics to advance.
Course Link:

Happy learning 😊


  2. Frontend Roadmap



Nth direction

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